11/9/2024 Scivias Medieval Ensemble, REMF, Linehan Chapel, Nazareth University (soloist)
​11/13/2024 First Inversion, Lee Wright, Director, RACF Event at Riverside Convention Center
11/15/2024 Rochester Early Music Festival, Musica Spei and Scivias (soloist)
11/17/2024 First Inversion, "Together We Sing" Downtown Presbyterian Church.
1/24-25/2024 Musica Spei, Winter Performance, Linehan Chapel, Nazareth University
4/1-6/2025 Pegasus Early Music, Monteverdi Vespers, Rochester, Syracuse, Ithaca, NY
​10/23/2024 Dowland/Purcell with Deborah Fox, Lute, for Breast Cancer Coalition Night of Remembrance
10/13/2024 Lute Songs with Deborah Fox for ROC Music Collaborative (ESM) Fundraiser (soloists)
9/22/2024 Asbury United Methodist Church, Carl Johengen, Director (soloist)
8/25/2024 First Baptist Church, Penfield, NY, Handel with Naomi Gregory and Boel Gidholm
8/10/2024 Emma Horne & David Chalifoux Wedding, Muskegon, Michigan, Porter Robinson pieces (pianist)
6/7 & 9/2024 First Inversion, Dr. Lee Wright director, Downtown Presbyterian, Rochester, NY
6/2/2024 Scivias Medieval Chorus, Asbury United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
5/31 & 6/1/2024 Musica Spei, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Auburn, NY (soloist)
4/27/2024 Madjeski Wedding, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Albion, NY (soloist)
4/21 & 26/2024 First Inversion, Dr. Lee Wright director, DUPC and Incarnate Word, Rochester (sop soloist and pianist)
3/29/2024 Musica Spei, Good Friday at St. Anne Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
3/24/2024 Voices, Collin Mann directing for Dr. Bill Weinert, Palm Sunday Concert, Incarnate Word Lutheran Church
3/16/2024 Music Spei, University of Pittsburgh-Bradford, PA, Concert Series (soloist)
3/13/2024 Spring Fling Recital, New Horizons Chorus, Hatch Hall, Eastman School (director, pianist)
1/31/2024 Third Presbyterian Church, soprano soloist choir
1/26 & 28/2024 First Inversion, Dr. Lee Wright director, Downtown Presbyterian Church (soloist)
12/13/2023 Live from Hochstein, WXXI Radio Show, Cup of Good Cheer with Madrigalia, Cary Ratcliffe, director (soloist)
12/8-10/2023 Madrigalia, Cary Ratcliffe, director, St. Paul's Lutheran, Asbury United Methodist, St. Luke's Brockport (soloist)
11/17/2023 Musica Spei, Rochester Early Music Festival Gala
11/16/2023 Third Thursdays at MAG, Italianate Trios, Heather Holmquest, director, Christopher Petit, baroque organ (soloist)
11/11/2023 Scivias Medieval Ensemble, Rochester Early Music Festival, Linehan Chapel, Nazareth University (soloist)
11/4/2023 Context Conference, ESM, Classics with a Twist Gala Concert, Memorial Art Gallery, Skylark Singers, Karen Goldfeder, director
10/25/2023 Pegasus Early Music, Live Music in the Little Café, Deborah Fox, director (soloist)
3/10/2023 Coaching with Art Wiliford, Juilliard, Michelle Steffers, pianist
3/7/2023 Coaching with Art Wiliford, Juilliard School, Michelle Steffers pianist
1/27/2023 Michelle Steffers, rehearse Schumann, Debussy.
1/20/2023 Shirley Close 'coaching' UWS, NYC
7/28/2022 Pegasus at George Eastman House, The Legend of Orpheus Film Series, Monteverdi duets, Deborah Fox, lute, Hannah Duff & Juli Elliot, sopranos
6/24/2022 Mysterium Ensemble, Immanuel Baptist Church, Rochester
6/3, 4/2022 Musica Spei, St. Mary's Auburn, NY and St. Ann Catholic Church, Rochester
5/28/2022 Jane Günter-McCoy Memorial Concert, presented by Eastman Community Music School, Member Jesu Nostri, D. Buxtehude and Wachet Aug, Cantata 140, JS Bach, Dr. Christopher Petit, conductor (director and soprano soloist)
5/7/2022 Scivias Medieval Ensemble, Asbury United Methodist Church (soloist)
4/15/2022 Musica Spei, St. Ann Catholic Church, Rochester, NY Good Friday
4/14/2022 Downtown Presbyterian Church, Dr. Lee Wright, music director, Maundy Thursday (soloist)
4/1-3/2022 Madrigalia, Asbury Methodist Church (soloist)
3/25/2022 Women in Music Festival, Florence Price Legacy Concert, Eastman School of Music, Kilbourn Hall, Dr. Christopher Petit, pianist (soloist)
12/3-5/2021 Mysterium Ensemble, Bob Cowles & Yunn Shan Ma, directors
11/7/2021 Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212, J.S. Bach, Nazareth University, Bonnie Choi, director (soprano soloist)
9/18-19/2021 First Inversion, Dr. Lee Wright, director
9/15-16/2021 Yom Kippur Services, Temple B'rith Kodesh, Keri Lopatin Berger, director of music (soloist)
6/11/2021 First Inversion, Dr. Lee Wright, director (soloist)
5/13/2021 Rochester Christian Reformed Church Choir, recording
4/4/2021 Downtown Presbyterian Church, Dr. Lee Wright, music director, JS Bach, Mir darken dir, Gott, wir danken dir (soprano soloist)
3/25/2021 Eastman at Washington Square, Works of Florence Price, Christopher Petit, piano (soprano soloist)
3/21/2021 Two Saints, Christopher Petit, music director (soloist)
2/28/2021 Two Saints, Christopher Petit, music director, Florence Price music (soloist)
2/7/2021 Rochester CRC, Hymn Leading (soloist)
1/28/2021 ROC Opera Collective Art Song Cycle Festival, Florence B. Price Film presented
12/24/2020 Frist Baptist church, Christmas Eve Service
12/13/2020 First Baptist Church, Penfield, NY, Naomi Gregory, "Rejoice Greatly" (soloist)
10/25/2020 First Baptist Church, Penfield, NY, Naomi Gregory, music director, Jazz Service (soloist)
10/18/2020 Rochester CRC Sunday morning music (soloist)
9/15-25/2020 ROC opera collective event at Rochester (virtual) Fringe Festival, Total Request Live [TRL]: OPERA EDITION! (soloist)
7/19/2020 Downtown Presbyterian Church, Dr. Lee Wright, music director (soloist)
6/17/2020 Rochester Christian Reformed Church, Domine Deus from J.S.Bach B Minor Mass, worship recording (soloist)
4/5/2020 Downtown Presbyterian Church, Dr. Lee Wright, music director (soloist)
3/7/2020 Musica Spei, 7:00 PM Lenten Motets and Meditations, St. Pius X, 3010 Chili Avenue, Rochester, New York
2/14/2020 5:30 PM Two Saints Jazz Vespers, The Episcopal Church of Saint Luke and Simon Cyrene (soloist)
1/24-26/2020 7:30 First Inversion, Soaring Spirit, Lee Wright, Conductor
1/10/2020 5:30 PM Two Saints Jazz Vespers, The Episcopal Church of Saint Luke and Simon Cyrene (soloist)
1/10-11/2020 Madrigalia with Rochester Philharmonic, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert, Stephen Mulligan, conductor.
12/24/2019 8:00 PM Christmas Eve at Reformation Lutheran Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
12/21/2019 2:00 PM Blue Christmas, Two Saints Episcopal Church Rochester, NY (soloist)
12/15/2019 10:00 AM Christmas Day Service, Rochester Christian Reformed Church, Penfield, NY (soloist)
12/11/2019 12:05 PM Live from Hochstein, WXXI.org, Cup of Good Cheer with Madrigalia
12/08/2019 5:00 PM University of Rochester, NY Chapel, Lessons & Carols (soloist)
11/16/2019 7:30 PM Star of the Sea: Hymns to the Virgin Mary, Scivias- Hildegard von Bingen Ensemble, REMF
11/10/2019 4:00 PM Filigree: French Baroque Music from Versailles, REMF, Calvary Saint Andrews Church, Juli Elliot, soprano, Deborah Fox, Lute, Boel Gidholm, violin, Adrienne Hyde, viola da gamba
11/9/2019 3:00 PM We've Got Your Bach, Music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Rochester Early Music Festival (REMF), Calvary Saint Andrews Church (soloist)
​10/13/2019 2:00 PM Recital for Jane Günter-McCoy Studio
10/12/2019 8:00 PM An Evening in Vienna, Madrigalia with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
7/21/2019 2:00 PM First Inversion Chorus, Caroline Shaw: To the Hands and Peteris Vasks: Plainscapes, Canandaigua Lake Music Festival, Canandaigua, NY
7/14/2019 2:00 PM Georg Frederick Handel's Alcina, (Morgana), Rochester Baroque Vocal Consort, Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY
5/31 and 6/1/2019 7:30 PM Office Hours: A Liturgical 9 to 5, Musica Spei at St. Mary's Church, Auburn, NY and St. Anne Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
5/24/2019 7:00 PM New Horizons Orchestra, Michael Wheately, conductor with special guests New Horizons Chorus, Juli Elliot, conductor, Springfest Concert, Kodak Hall Eastman Theatre, Rochester, NY
​5/14/2019 7:00 PM Art Song of Debussy, Schubert and Schumann with Michelle Steffers and Belinda Chang, piano, Friendly Home Tuesday Concerts, Rochester, NY
5/9 & 11/2019 Cosi fan tutte, Madrigalia with the RPO, Kodak Hall at Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY
5/5/2019 2:00 PM Bravo Italiano, Madrigalia with the RPO, Hochstein Performance Hall, Rochester, NY (soloist)
4/19/2019 7:30 PM Standing by the Cross: Music for Good Friday, Musica Spei, St. Anne Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
4/19/2019 12 noon Envisioning the Passion, Holy Week-themed art with choral music, Asbury First United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY
3/14/2019 Folksongs from England by Benjamin Britten, for New Horizons Spring Fling with Petar Kodzas, guitar, Hatch Hall, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY
3/8,9,10/2019 Music of Large Spaces, Madrigalia, Rochester, NY (soloist)
2/17/2019 "Taste of Song" Prism Concert, Rochester Choral Consortium, Music of Cecelia McDowel and Josef Reinberger, Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, Rochester, NY
1/3/2019 Performance of Debussy Songs with Michelle Steffers, pianist, Eastman at Washington Square, First Universalist Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
12/16/2018 Reformation Lutheran Church, Spanish Baroque music for Gaudate Advent Sunday, Pablo Bustos, Director, Rochester, NY, (soloist)
12/7, 8, 9/2018 Madrigalia Holiday Concerts, semi-staged Amahl and the Night Visitors (role of Mother), Brockport and Rochester, NY (soloist)
11/11/2018 Rochester Early Music Festival, Recital of Italian and English Renaissance Music with Deborah Fox (Founder, Lutenist Pegasus Early Music) and Molly Werts McDonald (Violin, Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra), Calvary St. Andrews, Rochester, NY (soloist)
10/7/2018 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church, Rochester, NY, Rededication and 150th Anniversary, Charles Gounod, St. Cecilia Mass, Michael Ruhling, Conductor (soloist)
9/25/2018 Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Arnie Roth, Guest Conductor, Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy, Madrigalia Ensemble (soloist)
8/24/2018 Dorothy Pixley Rothschild Memorial Recital, PM Performance Space, Rochester, NY (piano soloist)
6/3/2018 Perform Debussy, Ariette Oubliées for Eastman Community Music School Open House (soloist)
6/1,2/2018 Musica Spei, Concerts at St. Mary's, Auburn, NY and St. Ann Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
5/30/2018 Collaborative Piano Class duo with Michelle Steffers, Debussy, Ariette Oubliées,Hatch Hall, ESM
5/24, 26/2018 Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Carmen, Ward Stare, Conductor (chorus, chorus training pianist)
5/11, 12/2018 Madrigalia, Earthkeeping Concert, Asbury United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
4/26/2018 AdHoc Music at Writer's and Books, Music with Poetry by Kitty Jospé Rochester, NY (Quartet)
4/1/2018 University of Rochester Easter chapel, BWV 51, Sei Lobe und Preis und Ehren, Christopher Petit, conductor (soloist)3/2-4/2018 Madrigalia, Singing our Strengths and Losses, Brockport, NY and Rochester, NY (soloist
2/10/2018 Madrigalia, Evening of Cabaret, Clover Center for Arts and Spirituality (Co-MC and soloist)
12/6/2017 WXXI, Public Radio, Live from Hochstein, Madrigalia Holiday Music (chorus)
11/19/2017 Fusion of Friendship and Musical Felicity: Performance of Lute Songs with Juli Elliot, Soprano and Deborah Fox, Lute, First Universalist Church, Rochester, NY.
11/17/2017 Musica Spei, Rochester Early Music Festival Gala Concert, St. Ann Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
11/10/17 Ensemble Perihipsous, Michael Ruhling, Conductor, "Sigismund" Requiem in C Minor, Christ Church Episcopal, Rochester, NY.
10/26/2017 Rochester (NY) Philharmonic Orchestra and Madrigalia, Heroes: A Video Game Symphony, Miriam Burns, Conductor (soloist)
7/22/2017-8/4/2017 C. S. Lewis Oxbridge Summer Institute Choir, John Dickson, Conductor, Oxford and Cambridge, UK
7/13/2017 Hatch Hall, Eastman School of Music, Recital of Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn Songs of Travel with Christopher Petit on Piano Forte (soloist)
6/2 and 6/3/2017 Musica Spei Concerts, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Auburn, NY and St Ann Catholic Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
5/25 and 5/27/2017 La Boheme, semi-staged with Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and Madrigalia
5/19 and 5/21/2017 Madrigalia Concert, Third Presbyterian Church and Temple Sinai, Rochester, NY (soloist)
4/21/2017 Madrigalia Concert, St. Bonaventure University, Olean, NY (soloist)
4/14/2017 Musica Spei ,Good Friday Concert, St. Ann Catholic Church, Rochester, NY
3/31 and 4/1/2017 Madrigalia Concerts, Clover Center for Arts and Spirituality, Rochester, NY
3/26/2017 Asbury United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY Eric Towel, interim Director
2/19/2017 Madrigalia, Cary Ratcliffe, Director, Greater Rochester Choral Consortium PRISM Concert, Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, Erik Esenvalds, Only in Sleep (soloist)
2/11/2017 Madrigalia Cabaret Night, Clover Center for Arts & Spirituality, Rochester, NY (soloist)
1/18/2017 Asbury United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY Eric Townell, interim Director (soloist)
1/15/2016 Recital of Wolf Lieder, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pittsford, NY
1/22 and 1/23/2016 First Inversion concert, Lee Wright , Director, Downtown United Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY (soloist)
2/28/2016 Bethany Presbyterian Church, Greece, NY, (soloist)
3/12 and 3/13/2016 Madrigalia, Cary Ratcliffe, Director, Clover Center for Arts and Spirituality (soloist)